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How to Access and Work with SMS Messaging Inbox?


First, login to your dashboard and go to your text messaging INBOX. The link is the main menu on the upper-left corner.

In the inbox section, you will be able to filter the messages by using several major filters such as: New and Total messages, Keywords signups, Help and Optout messages. Keywords filter will show you only the messages using trigger keywords and provide info on the sign ups. However, those keyword signups will not show in your main stream of messages showing in the inbox in order to keep it organized and meaningful.

Every message shows the sender’s number, the full message copy(either SMS or MMS), and the date and time it was received. Messages can be searched by number, content, date, keywords and campaigns.

You can quickly do one of the following actions for each text message: reply, forward to a different number, unsubscribe the contact and edit, view conversation with this contact, mark as read, archive or delete.

The “Conversation” shortcut for every received message, is I great module to view all messages sent to and received from specific number as a thread.  Within the “Conversation” module, you can quickly delete the message, export and refresh to view new replies or simply reply to the SMS or MMS received.

If you need to see only the latest messages from every phone number, similar to how we are used to seeing new messages on our mobile phones, click on the filter “Message grouped by number”.  The inbox system will create a list of unique numbers and all messages to and from a certain contact will be available in the “Conversation” module.  This feature is great if you want to track conversations by contacts. By selecting this option, inbox will be more compact, easier to manage and new messages will show on top of the list.

To further and better manage the inbox, apply more filters such as SMS or MMS only, replied or not replied messages.  Once you are done with filtering the messages, simply click on “clear filters” to reset.

In case you need to bulk manage messages, check either of the checkboxes on top of the inbox, “Select on page” or “Select All”. Then, using the buttons to the right of the checkboxes, you can add to group, remove from group or create new group and add the contacts in the newly created group.

Exporting your inbox is easy! Just select the messages and click on the “Export” button. You can also mark messages in bulk as read, unread, delete or archive using the corresponding buttons.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to access the Archive and Trash folders. Messages in archive and trash folders can be easily restored back to the main inbox folder.

As always, if you have any questions or need help, contact our support team. We are ready to assist.


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