Integrate with Zapier |
Using Zapier?
Now you can integrate your ProTexting account with Zapier!
Get access to hundreds of really nice and useful services so that you can automate your process. Zapier offers easy to set up and manage tools for any type of triggers and actions. ProTexting has launched its integration and invites all clients to start using the service. It will definitely boost your campaigns, make your job easier, and will save you tons of time. The ProTexting Zapier APP is 100% FREE, and you can easily add it within your account. Go to the marketplace and you will be able to immediately add the app and start using it. Here are the options once you connect your ProTexting account with Zapier:
Create ZAPS for the following:
- Any zapier trigger will send you SMS notification to your phone, or phone number you specify within the trigger.
- Add or update contacts automatically to your ProTexting, imported from any other zapier partner.
- Export contacts to Zapier and sync with any other Zapier integration.
- Any inbound SMS in ProTexting will trigger an action in any of your zapier services.
- Push the shipping info of your contacts directly to Zapier. Great feature if you need to ship orders to your contacts, all automated.
- Push Amazon Orders to ProTexting using Zapier - When using your Amazon Zap, all new orders are pulled from your Amazon Seller account and pushed to your ProTexting "Amazon Integration" app. With this integration, all future Amazon Order IDs texted in by buyers will be matched against all orders received via Zapier and your set "Text Messaging Flows" will be triggered accordingly.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a platform that connects thousands of apps via their API and automate processes, trusted by millions of businesses and organizations. Online services can create an app in Zapier and connect with other apps. In Zapier, you can create a "trigger" that will take an "action" in other app. For example: if you use MailChimp for your email marketing campaigns, everytime you have a new contact can "trigger" an "action" in ProTexting to send you SMS notification. You will be able to export and sync via Zapier all new contacts added in ProTexting - SMS and MMS text-ins, SMS Web Sign up forms, MailChimp and ConstantContact integrations, API import of contacts for your SMS marketing campaigns.
Follow the link to activate Zapier in your account and start the automation process now!