SMS Messaging in Uzbekistan

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Pricing and Carriers

Outgoing SMS: 4 credit
Outgoing MMS: 4 credit
*sent via short URL link
Incoming SMS: 0 credit
Incoming MMS: 0 credit
Local Long Number: Unavailable

UzMobile Beeline Ucell Perfectum Mobile UMS UzMobile provides connectivity with local mobile operators in Uzbekistan and you can run your SMS Marketing campaigns reaching most Uzbekistan subscribers. When you open your account, you will get access to amazing mobile marketing tools to build, engage and analyze your text message marketing activities.

Need some cool features? Start today and your account will be bundled with the following features:

  • Get instant access to Long Numbers - connected with most subscribers in Uzbekistan
  • Local virtual mobile numbers
  • Start building your Mobile Numbers List
  • Create unlimited groups to organize contacts
  • Easily put sign up widgets on your website or blog
  • Start sending Group SMS campaigns
  • Need to integrate with other platforms, checkout our SMS API
  • Amazing analytics, with real-time messaging status
  • Need to run a cool SMS Campaign? Take a look at our marketplace

Ready to enhance your marketing strategy?


Need more details? Call Now: 1-800-258-9115