Text Message Double Opt-in |
When launching text message campaigns, you want to be sure your subscribers have given their permission and that they’re clear about what they signed up for. Double opt-in lets your subscribers confirm their signup (text 2 join) with a second message after they text the original keyword. This is a good practice to make sure people really want to receive your messages.
How SMS Double Opt-in Works
It's simple to use double opt-in when signing up subscribers. There are several options.
- The new subscriber texts a keyword to sign up. At this point, they receive another message asking them to confirm with a YES.
- Subscribers fill out a text message signup form. After filling out and sending the form, they need to confirm using a 4-digit code.
- A subscriber may think he or she is only signing up for a limited campaign so it’s good to give them a chance to opt-in for future messages.
- At the end of a text message marketing campaign, you can ask subscribers to opt-in once again to receive future alerts and notifications.

Why Use Double Opt-in?
One principle that applies to all types of marketing, including SMS, is that you always need permission before sending messages. Just as you need people’s permission before sending them promotional emails, you need to do the same with text messages. Aside from getting permission, however, you should take it a step further by requiring a double opt-in.
People busy with lots of messages may not remember subscribing and later complain about receiving unsolicited messages. Double opt-in makes the subscription process more deliberate as someone has to confirm their intention to receive your messages.
Improve Your Subscriber List With Double Opt-in
Double opt-in not only protects you from complaints but it also improves the quality of your subscriber list. When people make the effort to confirm their subscription, they are more likely to be responsive to your messages and offers. To get the best possible results from SMS messaging marketing, you don't simply want a large list of contacts but a list of subscribers who are truly interested in your messages.
SMS marketing helps you engage with people on the devices they use constantly and bring everywhere. As you build your audience, it’s important to build trust and ensure that everyone you communicate with has given their permission. Double opt-in only requires a few extra seconds on the part of subscribers but it helps you create better relationships while avoiding misunderstandings.