Schedule Recurring Text Message Campaigns |
The ProTexting SMS marketing platform will allow you to schedule repeat group text messages to be send out to your audience. This feature will save you time and it is hassle free ran on auto-pilot. You can schedule the group SMS to go out every day, every week, once a month, once a year at a specific time, using our flexible scheduling tool. Recurring scheduling works well for many organizations and it definitely saves them a lot of time. Some of our clients even schedule their message for years ahead - greetings, reminders, etc. In addition to scheduling recurring SMS and MMS campaigns, you can take advantage of our “Drip Campaigns” app. The app will allow you to automatically send a set of text messages, scheduled in minutes, hours, days. All new contacts that join the messaging program will start receiving the drip text message at their scheduled times.
This feature can be used for:
- Event reminders
- Doctors' appointments
- Payment due dates
- Party invites
- Internal company reminders.
- .. and so on.
This great app comes FREE with all plans and you will have immediate access once you sign up for a ProTexting.